General Information

  • Population: 81.2 million, including 17.1 million with migration backround
  • Surface area: 357,340 km²
  • Form of government: parliamentary democracy
  • Founded: 1949, followed by German reunification with accession of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) on 3 October 1990
  • Head of state: President Joachim Gauck (as of March 2012)
  • Head of government: Chancellor Angela Merkel (as of November 2005)
  • Capital: Berlin
  • The five largest cities: Berlin (3.5m inhabitants), Hamburg (1.8m inhabitants), Munich (1.4m inhabitants), Cologne (1m inhabitants), Frankfurt am Main (717,624 inhabitants)
  • Official language: German
  • National holiday: 3 October (Day of German Unity)
  • Membership: European Union, G8, G20, NATO, OECD, OSCE, UN
  • Religions: Roman Catholic (30 percent), Evangelical Church in Germany (29 percent), Muslim (almost 5 percent), other (almost 3 percent), without confession (33 percent)
  • Time zone: CET
  • Climate: moderately cool Westerlies climate, between the oceanic climate of the Atlantic and the continental climate of eastern Europe
  • Economic output GDP (per capita): €37,099
  • Labour force: 43.7 million
  • Average annual gross income per full-time employee: €47,377
  • International vehicle code: D
  • Internet TLD: .de
  • Telephone country code: +49
  • Currency: euro (€1 = 100 cents)


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