The Unique-ness of the German Alphabet

I heard lots of people saying that German language is one of the hardest language as compared to other European languages. When I started leaning the language, true to what they say, I admit It was quite tough due to the pronunciation and each of the letters give different sounds and uses. However, the letters in German alphabet are quite similar to English except these four letters ; ä, ö, ü and ß and these extra four letters are not part of the alphabet.

Some of the letters stay the same as it is in English, and some aren't.

The table on the left shows that letter "R" is pronounced as "air". It is not simply "air" as it is in English pronunciations, but likely you have to pronounce it at the back of the throat, it sounds like "eirgh"! 

V in German sounds like "F" in English. For instance, Vater( father)//bevor (before) etc.

W in German sounds like "V" in English. For example, Wagen (cart) // Gewalt(violence) and etc.

These are brief information that I've learned in my german's class so if you want more details and informations, you can go visit our sub page that is written "Alphabet". I hope you enjoy reading our blogs! ;)


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